Our guiding question to this lab was does the weight make the turns of the ball different, does it make it turn, go straight, or swivel? I was curios about that because I know that when you blow air on something that it changes direction. It can either go straight, curved, or swivel off from side to side. My hypothesis was that the heavier things would go straight and the lighter objects can curve or swivel.
Table/ Diagram
type of ball
straws used
length it went
big marble
2 straws
128 cm
medium marble
1 straw
more than 136 cm
medium/ heavy
small marble
1 straw
137 cm
tennis ball
2 straws
70 cm
light/ medium
small Styrofoam ball
1 straw
95 cm
big Styrofoam ball
1 straw
137 cm
ping pong ball
1 straw
137 cm
Data Analysis
During this Lab I recorded how each ball traveled. The big marble was heavy, went 128 cm, and we used two straws, bust most of all was the way it traveled, it traveled in a curved fashion. The image to the right shows the way the big marble traveled. The average sized, or medium marble, was blown with one straw, it went more than 136 cm, and it weight was medium/ heavy, and it traveled straight, it did not swivel or curve. It shows you below how the medium marble traveled
The small marble was blow with one straw, it went a distance of 137 cm, had a light weight and traveled straight. It shows you on the left how the small marble traveled.
tennis ball
For the tennis ball we used 2 straws , it went 70 cm, it had a light/medium weight, and it traveled and a zigzagged or swirly way. The image above shows you how it traveled.
small Styrofoam ball
The small Styrofoam ball was blown with one straw, it moved 95 cm, it had a light weight, and as you can see, it traveled in a zigzagged and swirly manner. To the right there is an image showing you how the ball traveled.
The image to my right is showing how the big Styrofoam ball traveled. It went in a zigzagged and swirly line. The distance it traveled was 137 cm and it has a light weight.
The image to right shows you the ping pong ball. It went all zigzagged and curly swirly, it had a light weight, we used 1 straw, and it traveled 137 cm. Conclusion I think that the mass of a marble does affect how it moves because the more density and mass it has the straighter it moves and the less of it it moves more swirly, curved, or zigzagged. I think that when force is given to an object the motion that is happening is the wind is blowing on the object and forcing it forward.
In the world there are wealthy countries and less wealthy countries. To mine in the ocean a country needs to be wealthy and have a coast line, countries with no coast line have a harder time mining the oceans minerals. The reason a country has to be wealthy to mine in the ocean is because to mine the oceans minerals high-tech, complex, and expensive machinery is required. It is the cheapest to mine at the continental shelf because it is shallow and the deeper you mine the more expensive it is because you need bigger, more complex, and high-tech machinery.
In the year of 1944 the world made a treaty called the international seas and they made limits to how much a country could claim. In the treaty it said that no country could have an entire ocean to itself and that they had to share. They said it was an internationals water way. That means that that they are international waters and they belong to every country in the world. Also the little bit of water in between two pieces or areas of land are still counted as international waters, because they are so useful. E.E.Z. which stands for exclusive economic zones are extending the right to get minerals offshore. Also there was a law made that said you could not test nuclear power in international waters. In World War II the continental shelf was used by people as something to use a land grab.
The image below is the Arctic
There is global warming in the world, the reason we are not sure of. Some people who are greedy with minerals think that as a good thing, but I think of it as a bad thing because it causes animals to die and the pollution in the air also causes animals to suffer and die. There is also 25% untapped oil and natural gas, but however it is underneath the ocean floor. The reason some selfish people think it is good is because then they can have another ocean where they can mine and get minerals from.
The image below shows you the location of the Pacific
In the Pacific Ocean we mine there for, mostly, salt because it has a large amount of it and is easy to get. Salt is a very important substance that we use every day in food, preserving things, cleaning, on roadways, and more. Where we get and take the most salt from is Mexico. In the Pacific you can also find Lead, Bromine, and Magnesium. Mining in the Pacific Ocean is very important because we use many minerals that come from the Pacific ocean every day.
The image below shows you where the Atlantic is located
Some of the most common minerals found in the Atlantic are Calcite, Limestone, and Dolomite. Those are very important minerals to everyday life because we use them in so many things. From all over the world people are fighting for them because they have many multiple values in them. And some examples are that the uses for calcite are medicine, toothpaste, and building materials. There are also more. Limestone is used in the purification of sugar, making paper white, medicine, and is aggregated in concrete, and those are only some of the hundreds of uses it has.
Because of all these debates you may ask who owns the minerals. Well in my opinion I think that no one owns them. I do have a solution though, for example poor countries can trade with countries who boarded the ocean, and wealthy countries can pay countries who border the ocean to mine there.
To conclude this I think that the minerals belong to everyone, but some boundaries have to be made. I also think that the oceans do not belong to anyone. I hope that after reading this you formed an opinion, changed your opinion, or had more to back up your opinion!
California has a lot of mining in it. Some minerals that are mined there are Gypsum, mica, and silver. Even though California is called the Golden state and had a gold rush in the mid-eighteen hundreds, does not mean it is rich in Gold today. The reason there is not so much Gold in California now is because there were some extreme environmental flunkies. Some other minerals that are found in California are; Asbestos; Borax; Bromine; Clay; Copper; ; ; Iron Ore; Lead; Lithium Magnesium; Marble; Mercury; Molybdenum; Natural Gas; Petroleum; Platinum; Potash; Rare Earths; Salt; Sand & Gravel (construction); Stone (crushed); Talc; Tungsten; and Zinc. Those are some of the, but the most common ones are milky quartz, sulfur, talc, magnetite, actinolite, mica.In my opinion I think that California is rich in minerals. Also Since it is bordering the Pacific Ocean, it has access to mining the oceans minerals. I personally also think that California in very lucky to be bordering the Pacific Ocean because it can earn a lot of money from it. In conclusion I have decided that California is very rich in mining.